Highland Woods Landowners Association
Proposed Budget for June, 2023 July 1, 2023

Proposed Income:

Dues Invoiced (current rate of $50.00 x 52 paying Landowners): $2,600.00

Proposed Expenses:

Corporate Expenses

Annual Report $ 25.00
Liability Insurance 360.00
Legal Expenses 300.00
Property Tax 270.00 $ 955.00

Communications and Dues Collection
Office / Mailing Supplies $ 80.00
Postage 180.00
Software 585.00
Website 200.00 $ 1,045.00

Property Management
Border Marking
Labor $ 100.00
Supplies 50.00
Security-Gates and Cameras 300.00
Site Visits 75.00
Trash Pickup 75.00 $ 600.00

Total Proposed Expenses $2,600.00

Difference $ 0.00