May 23, 2021

As currently written, the Highland Woods Land Owners Association (HWLOA) Bylaws
and Covenants do not contain written standards regarding members of the Highland Woods

Land Owners Association owning house trailers and placing such house trailers on their Highland Woods property. In order to correct this omission, the members of HWLOA, at their annual meeting on July 3, 2020, by a majority vote of the members present, adopted the following policy:

Highland Woods Land Owners Association Policy for Trailers

  1. A traditionally built house, a manufactured house, or a double-wide house trailer are
    allowed to be placed on a land owner’s property for permanent housing. All housing designs need to be submitted and approved by the Board of Directors before construction begins.
  2. A single-wide house trailer or campers are not allowed to be placed on a land
    owner’s property for permanent housing, but may be placed on a land owner’s property for a limited time, as stated below:
    (1) A single-wide house trailer or camper that is presently on a land owner’s property,
    with the permission of the Board of Directors of HWLOA, may remain on the property, for an agreed amount of time, for temporary housing, while permanent housing is being built.

(2) The following Highland Woods property owners, who, presently, have a single-
wide house trailer located on one, or more, of their Highland Wood properties, are grandfa-
thered in, such that their single-wide house trailers may remain on their property until the trailers need to be replaced, and are removed, replaced with permanent housing, or replaced with a building not used for housing:

(a) Peter Roe and Aaron Kaplan — Highland Woods property C3-1, with one sin-
gle-wide house trailer, and Highland Woods property C3-3, with one single-wide house trailer, including their ability to rent each trailer within the requirements set forth in the HighlandWoods Landowners Association Standards for Lease, Sub-Lease, Rental, or Occupancy of Land and / or Structures.

(3) A single-wide house trailer or camper, with the permission of the Board of Direc-
tors of HWLOA, may be moved to a land owner’s property, for an agreed amount of time, for

temporary housing, while permanent housing is being built. Single -wide trailers or campers
may not be leased or rented to third parties. Please refer to the Highland Woods Landowners

Association Standards for Lease, Sub-Lease, Rental, or Occupancy of Land and or Structures.

(4) A single-wide house trailer that is presently on a land owner’s property shall be
cared for by the land owner to prevent the trailer from becoming an eyesore. Planting trees
and bushes is suggested to help obscure the view of the trailer, along with maintaining skirting around the bottom of the trailer, and doing whatever else is reasonably necessary to prevent an eyesore.
(5) Neighbors of a land owner who consider the land owner’s single-wide house trailer

to be an eyesore, may request the Board of Directors review the condition of the trailer to

determine whether it is in fact an eyesore.

(6) For a single-wide house trailer to be moved to a land owner’s property for tempo-
rary housing while permanent housing is being built, the land owner must comply with Lewis County septic standards and the Highland Woods Landowners Association Minimum Standards of Sanitation and Health Protection Measures Policy.

(7) If a land owner moves a single-wide house trailer or camper to his or her property
with the permission of the Board of Directors of HWLOA, but the land owner makes no earnest effort to build permanent housing, the Board of Directors may levy a fine on the land owner, and can require that the trailer or camper be removed at the owner’s expense.
(8) If a land owner moves a single-wide house trailer or camper to his or her property

without contacting and negotiating for permission with the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors shall immediately levy a substantial fine on the land owner, and can require that the trailer or camper be removed at the owner’s expense.
(9) The Board of Directors may require, at the owner’s expense, the removal of any
single-wide trailer or camper that is not in compliance with any part of this policy.
(10) The fine for violations of any of these codes confirmed by a representative of the

Board of Directors will be $20.00/day to be assessed to the owner of the land. If there are multiple violations then there may be multiple penalties.

(a) Owners will be given up to two notices of the violation(s) a month apart. The
third notice will be a bill for the accrued fine starting from the first notice. (Two months times $20.00/day or $1,200.00 to start).
(b) All unpaid fines will be turned into liens on the property after 90 days.