Landowners Site Development Committee

I. Landowners Site Committee Description
In accord with the Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions for the Martin
Farm (a.k.a. Highland Woods,) and the Bylaws of Highland Woods Landowners Association
(Article IV, Section 6 and Article XI, Section 1,) the Board of Directors of Highland Woods
Landowners Association, establishes a Landowners Site Development Committee (LSDC) to
be composed of at least three members appointed by the Board of Directors for terms of two
years, to review, assess, and negotiate changes in the landowners’ site development plans.
Each site shall be inspected by one or more members of the Landowners Site Committee.
The LSDC shall report their recommendations to the Board of Directors who shall finalize
approval of the site development plan. The Landowners Site Development Committee will
use the Guidelines for Development as its standard, and as a basis for assessing site
A. Guidelines for Development in Highland Woods (a subdivision in Lewis County, TN.)

  1. Review the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the Martin Farm
    (CCR) and follow it in preparing your development plan. This document addresses
    allowing the continuation of the natural, wooded and undeveloped state of our properties, with some limited development; easements; tree removal; chemicals; hazardous materials; density; excavations; animals; hunting; weapons; noise restrictions; eyesores;and violations of these agreements; and is incorporated into the individual property deeds.
  2. Ascertain the correct boundaries of your property. Time has erased some of these original boundary markers, so before cutting trees, reestablish your borders. A resurvey may be needed. Note that there are metal pins in the ground at all lot corners. These pins are legal markers and if they are in the way of an easement, or driveway, they should be driven straight down in their original position flush with the ground. There are trees with three slashes painted blue or orange, which help locate the official pins in the ground.
    The 1994 surveyors used orange ties on the trees with single slashes painted orange to
    show the boundaries between lots. Technically, the border markers between lots belong to both landowners, so if any markers are eliminated for a driveway or utility easement, a surveyor can help create alternate boundary markers. Correct placement of border pins and ties are needed for septic permits.
  3. Find out the current rules and regulations of the Health Department and utilities
    companies and comply with them when designing your septic system, well placement
    and site plan. Landowners are responsible for compliance with these codes, for contacting
    the relevant government agencies and for obtaining permits.
  4. Leave a 20 foot buffer of trees between your lot and your neighbors’ lots when you are
    planning the location of your house site, driveway or utilities, unless you have a different agreement with your neighbor in writing.
  5. Discuss your development plans and/or proposed neighborhood infrastructure
    development plans with your neighbors. We encourage neighbors benefiting from
    infrastructure development to contribute proportionally. A contact list of Highland

Woods landowners and neighborhood lists are available from the Highland Woods
Landowners Association.

  1. When landscaping, choose plants that are not on Tennessee’s list of invasive exotic pest plants, which are of “severe or significant threat” to our native species.
  2. The development envelope, or the area, or areas, of the lot within which all development
    will take place will comply with the following criteria:
    A. Driveways and Parking:  No driveway clearing will exceed 50 feet in width, even if utility poles are
    placed adjacent to it. To minimize tree cut, underground electricity is preferable. If this is not possible, placing utility poles alongside driveways is recommended.  Driveway access points are limited to one per lot.
    B. Minimum Setbacks from the property lines:  Setbacks will comply with local governmental and Health Department regulations, with the CCR easements, and with the guidelines outlined herein.
    The evaluation of the building site envelope will take into consideration its
    placement relative to property lines, natural features and sightlines.
    C. Ecological considerations:  Minimize grading and removal of vegetation.  Maintain existing drainage patterns as much as possible.  Protect view corridors from other properties and/or common use areas  Protect sensitive environments.  Protect and utilize distinctive natural features – rocks, vegetation, and
    topography.  Blend man-made improvements into the topography and forests.  In the end, the natural landscape is to dominate the scene.

B. Development Review Process

  1. Approval: Before development, all major improvements or changes on a lot must be
    reviewed by the Landowners Site Development Committee and approved by the Board
    of Directors. The site plan review approval process is intended to be a simple,
    cooperative one, with the LSDC working closely with Highland Woods landowners and
    their agents:
  2. Written Notification: The landowner must submit a site plan on a survey map and
    written notification to the LSDC approximately one month before wanting his or her site to be inspected by the committee. Upon receiving this notification, the LSDC members shall schedule an inspection date and request the President to schedule a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors,after the inspection, to report their recommendations.
  3. Flagging the Site: The landowner shall flag official surveyor’s border pins showing
    where the borders between his or her lot and the neighbors’ lots are located. The
    development envelope, footprint(s) of building(s), utility easements, driveway, and trees to be cut, shall also be flagged with markers. Trees shall not be cut or construction begun before approval by the Board of Directors


  1. Septic System, Well and Utilities: Decisions about utilities and septic placement will
    require communication with County agencies and utilities companies. Septic system
    field lines must end at least 20 feet from the property line. Wells must be at least 50 feet from septic lines.
  2. Site Plan: Prepare a site plan to scale using an official survey. Outline and include
    dimensions of the development envelope. Indicate the distances of the development
    envelope from property lines. Within the development envelope outline and include
    dimensions of areas for all improvements, including footprint(s) of building(s)), utility
    easements, driveway, and trees to be cut.
  3. Review and Inspect: The LSDC will then review the owner’s site plan and inspect the
    flags on the ground. The committee will either:
    a. Schedule a meeting with the landowner to suggest changes, or
    b. Submit its recommendations at a Special Meeting with the Board of Directors to obtain final approval for the submitted plan.
    c. If the Board of Directors must grant a variance, then approval for building may be
  4. Variances: The Board of Directors and LSDC will evaluate the site plan in terms of the
    CCR and the guidelines outlined herein. At the same time, the HWLA recognizes that
    each lot has unique characteristics and owners have individual needs. Accordingly, the Board of Directors may approve, with the recommendation of the LSDC, deviations from these guidelines, provided it is demonstrated that the proposal is consistent with the intent of the CCR, and that it will not adversely affect adjoining or nearby lots, or Highland Woods as a whole. Deviations would be granted in the form of a written variance and would not be treated as a precedent.
  5. Final Approval: The Board of Directors may approve the site plan with or without
    conditions, or require a re-submittal of a revised site plan prior to approval. When all
    requirements are met, the Board of Directors will issue a formal written approval to
    C. Inspection During Development
    1.Development Requirements: Each owner shall ensure that all development activity
    that is performed on its site addresses the following:  Erosion Control and Vegetation Protection.  Noise Control.  Protection of adjacent property.  Compliance with the subdivision’s CCR, state and local laws and regulations.
  6. Site Inspection: The LSDC may enter a site at any reasonable time to inspect the
    progress of development activities and ensure compliance with approved final plans and these guidelines.
    II. Enforcement
    A. If an owner or any owner representative violates any term or condition set forth herein,
    the Board of Directors shall have all of the rights and remedies granted under the
    Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions of the Martin Farm to enforce the terms of this document.

B. Lewis County Health Department has a series of warnings and fines for failure to comply
with its septic requirements.